Kentucky GPS Tracking Laws

Published date: Last modified on: Ryan Horban
Kentucky GPS Tracking Laws

GPS Tracking Laws In Kentucky – Can You Legally Track Cars In KY?


  • Legality of Tracking:

    • Legal to track vehicles you own or those of underage family members in Kentucky.
    • Unauthorized tracking of another person’s vehicle is illegal if done secretly or without consent.
  • Placement and Use:

    • It’s illegal to hide a GPS tracker inside someone’s vehicle without a warrant.
    • Trackers must be placed on public property and should not cause harm.
  • Case Law:

    • The Supreme Court case United States vs. Jones established that warrantless GPS tracking violates Fourth Amendment rights.
  • Amanda’s Law:

    • Allows GPS monitoring for domestic violence offenders to protect victims.
  • Law Enforcement:

    • Must obtain a warrant before using GPS tracking for investigations due to privacy concerns.
  • Business Use:

    • Businesses can use GPS trackers for monitoring vehicles and employees for legitimate purposes.
  • Legal Advice:

    • Consult a Kentucky attorney for specific legal guidance on using tracking devices to avoid violations and legal issues.
Before you invest in a GPS device to track someone’s vehicle it is important that you follow Kentucky law so you do not violate a person’s Fourth Amendment privileges. This article will go over Kentucky GPS tracking laws and how they outline the proper and improper use of devices to track a person’s vehicle.

Tracking A Vehicle In Louisville, KY

GPS tracking laws in Louisville, Lexington, Bowling Green and any city in Kentucky all fall under the same state law. First of all, you have every legal right to track any vehicle you own, and you can legally purchase any GPS device designed for tracking a vehicle. So if you suspect your husband or wife is cheating you can legally track their automobile as you are the vehicle owner. Kentucky law also allows you to track any underage family member so if you ever wanted to make sure your teen driver was not driving dangerously you could legally track them without requiring consent.

Is It Illegal To Use A Tracker On Someone’s Car In Kentucky – Legal Guide

GPS trackers are 100% legal to purchase in the state of Kentucky. However, it is illegal to enter the inside of someone else’s vehicle to hide a GPS device without a search warrant as the inside of a car is considered private property. Therefore, if you are not the vehicle owner and want to secretly track someone’s car you would need to:

  1. Place the GPS tracking device under the target vehicle
  2. Make sure you are on public property when you place the tracker on the vehicle
  3. Do not violate the person’s safety or cause them any harm

In the United States vs. Jones, the Supreme Court was involved in a drug crime case where police equipped a live GPS tracker on Jones’ vehicle to gather evidence. However, the police did not first acquire a warrant before using the vehicle tracking device. The criminal defense argued that by not first acquiring a warrant that Jones’ rights were violated. The court ruled that Jones’ rights were violated and that evidence gathered by law enforcement was inadmissible. This ruling changed criminal justice and the way police conducted investigations with a vehicle GPS tracker.

Amanda’s Law Kentucky

Amanda’s Law” was created after Amanda Ross, a victim of domestic violence, was shot and killed outside of her Lexington, KY home. This legislation allows any judge in Kentucky to order electronic surveillance via GPS monitoring for domestic violence offenders. The tracking devices give law enforcement the reasonable expectation to see where a private citizen accused of domestic violence is located 24/7. The law governs that GPS technology can be used in order to protect victims.

Kentucky laws constantly change so before you use a hidden camera, voice recorder, GPS device, or any surveillance or counter-surveillance product please make sure you first speak with a law firm to avoid any legal issues. A Kentucky attorney involved with criminal law or even family law should be able to provide the most accurate information regarding the legality of tracking another persons’ automobile. Therefore, the information contained in this article should not be considered legal advice!

Kentucky GPS Tracking Laws – Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, using GPS trackers in Kentucky is legal under certain conditions. Kentucky law permits the use of real-time GPS trackers, including portable GPS trackers, for legal and legitimate purposes. However, it’s important to note that installing a mobile tracking device to determine the location or movements of a person without their consent is generally considered illegal. This falls under ‘unauthorized tracking’, and is viewed as an invasion of privacy, punishable under Kentucky’s penal code.

No, Kentucky law enforcement agencies are generally required to obtain a search warrant before using electronic GPS devices to track a person’s movements or location. This mandate stems from a landmark Supreme Court case, United States vs. Jones, which determined that warrantless GPS monitoring by law enforcement agencies infringed upon a person’s Fourth Amendment rights. This ruling is a key component of the laws related to GPS trackers in Kentucky.

Yes, Kentucky law allows business owners, including owner lessor or lessees, to use GPS tracking devices for the purpose of monitoring their vehicles and employees. For example, the Coca-Cola Bottling Co. in Louisville, KY, may use GPS devices to track their delivery trucks. However, this must be done for a legitimate purpose, such as enhancing business operations and ensuring the security of the business assets. In this context, the use of electronic surveillance for tracking systems falls within the scope of Kentucky GPS laws.

Disclaimer: Understanding and Adhering to Kentucky GPS Tracking Laws

This article serves as an educational resource, offering an overview of Kentucky GPS tracking laws. It does not constitute professional legal advice, nor should it be used as a comprehensive guide to legal decision-making. Before engaging in any activities involving electronic tracking devices, we at GPS Tracker Shop must tell you it is paramount to obtain informed, explicit consent from the owner or lessee of the property being tracked.

The misuse or unauthorized use of such devices can lead to serious legal repercussions, including allegations of electronic stalking. If there are ambiguities or concerns regarding the legalities of GPS use, we highly recommend consultation with a professional defense lawyer.

By providing this information, the authors and publishers are exempt from any liability arising from misinterpretations or misuse of the information contained within this article. We stress the importance of using such technologies responsibly and within the legal framework to ensure respect for privacy and legality.

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