How Do GPS Trackers Work

Published date: Last modified on: Ryan Horban
How Do GPS Trackers Work

The Science Behind GPS Tracking And How GPS Trackers Work


  • GPS System: Uses ~30 satellites for global navigation.
  • Triangulation: Requires signals from 3 satellites to pinpoint location.
  • Components:
    • Satellites: Transmit position and time data.
    • Ground Control: Ensures satellite data accuracy.
    • Receivers: Calculate location based on satellite signals.
  • Accuracy: Standard GPS: meters. Military GPS: centimeters.
  • Limitations: Ineffective underwater or underground.

GPS trackers play a crucial role in our daily lives, pinpointing our exact location on Earth. But how do GPS trackers work? To shed light on this, let’s begin with a breakdown of the fundamental concepts:

Understanding the Global Positioning System (GPS): The GPS is a satellite-based navigation system with about 30 satellites circling the Earth. Initially forged for military applications, today it’s indispensable for civilian location services. Whether in smartphones or vehicle navigation, the power of GPS provides real-time location data.

The Principle of Triangulation: For a GPS receiver to pinpoint its exact location, it must receive signals from at least three satellites. By determining the time taken for each signal to arrive, the receiver calculates its distance from each satellite. In the diagram below you can see firsthand how this works with each circle’s radius denoting its distance from a satellite. The intersection of these circles reveals the precise location of the receiver.

Trilateration GPS

The 3 Elements Of GPS Tracking

GPS Satellite Tracking Infographic

1. Satellites

GPS tracking relies on a constellation of satellites that form the Global Positioning System (GPS). These satellites, orbiting the Earth at an altitude of approximately 20,200 kilometers, continuously transmit signals containing information on their position and the precise time the signal was sent. The GPS consists of at least 24 operational satellites, ensuring that GPS receivers can access signals from multiple satellites simultaneously, enabling more accurate positioning.

5 Fun Facts On Satellites

  • Minimum Coverage.The GPS system requires a minimum of 24 operational satellites to ensure that at least four satellites are visible from any point on Earth, allowing accurate positioning.
  • Orbits.GPS satellites orbit the Earth at an altitude of about 20,200 kilometers (12,550 miles) and complete two full orbits per day, ensuring global coverage.
  • Atomic Clocks.Each GPS satellite is equipped with multiple atomic clocks, which provide highly accurate time measurements. These time measurements are critical for determining precise locations.
  • Signal Transmission.GPS satellites continuously transmit radio signals containing their position and time data, which are then picked up by GPS receivers on Earth to calculate their exact location.
  • Satellite Replacement. GPS satellites have a lifespan of about 10 to 15 years. To maintain the system’s functionality, the network replaces older satellites with newer, more advanced ones. Consequently, these replacements offer improved performance and features.

2. Ground Control

To maintain the accuracy and reliability of the GPS, the ground control component plays a crucial role. The ground control system consists of a global network of monitoring and control stations. These stations track the signals from GPS satellites, ensuring the satellites are functioning correctly and maintaining the precision of their orbits. The ground control stations also analyze satellite data and transmit any necessary corrections back to the satellites, which then incorporate these corrections into the signals they broadcast. This continuous process of monitoring and adjusting guarantees that the information provided to GPS receivers remains accurate and reliable.

5 Fun Facts On Ground Control Stations

  1. Essential Role.Ground stations play a crucial role in maintaining the accuracy of the GPS system by monitoring satellite positions and providing necessary updates.
  2. Global Coverage. Ground control stations, like the master control station in Colorado and international sites, secure global GPS reliability
  3. Space weather monitoring: Ground stations also monitor space weather to assess its impact on GPS signal quality and accuracy, helping maintain optimal performance.
  4. Military Origins.The ground control segment of the GPS system was originally designed for military purposes, but its applications have expanded to include civilian use, benefiting a wide range of industries and users.
  5. International Cooperation.The ground control infrastructure is not limited to the U.S. GPS system; other global navigation satellite systems, such as Russia’s GLONASS and Europe’s Galileo, also rely on ground stations to maintain their respective constellations.

3. Receivers

The third key element in GPS tracking is the receiver. GPS receivers, found in a wide range of devices such as smartphones, navigation devices, and dedicated GPS tracking units, are designed to collect the signals transmitted by GPS satellites. By picking up signals from multiple satellites and calculating the time it took for each signal to travel from the satellite to the receiver, the GPS receiver can determine its precise location using a process called trilateration. This location data can then be used for various purposes, including navigation, asset tracking, and fleet management.

5 Fun Facts On GPS Receivers

  1. First Handheld GPS.The first handheld GPS receiver, the Magellan NAV 1000, hit the market in 1989, paving the way for portable navigation devices.
  2. GPS In Smartphones.Modern smartphones have built-in GPS receivers, making location-based services and apps accessible to millions of users worldwide.
  3. Animal Tracking.GPS receivers are used in wildlife conservation efforts to track animal movements, study migration patterns, and help protect endangered species.
  4. Geocaching.The popular outdoor recreational activity, geocaching, relies on GPS receivers to locate hidden containers, or “geocaches,” fostering a worldwide treasure-hunting community.
  5. GPS Art.GPS receivers enable “GPS drawing” or “GPS art,” where users create digital images by recording their movements with a GPS receiver and then display the tracked paths on a map.

The Process of Determining Location

How GPS Tracker Works

Triangulation: A GPS Overview

Triangulation forms the mathematical foundation of GPS tracking, but to appreciate its intricacies, a closer look at the process is essential. The satellite network, specifically the space segment of the GPS system, consists of a constellation of satellites strategically positioned in various orbital planes around Earth.

When a GPS-enabled device, be it a smartphone or dedicated tracking device, begins determining its position, it first establishes a connection with these satellites. It listens for radio signals transmitted by the satellites. These radio signals contain unique PRN codes identifying each satellite and a navigation message providing crucial data about the satellite’s health, current time, and predicted orbit.

Upon receiving these signals, the device, using its GNSS receiver, calculates the time of flight—the duration the signal took to travel from the satellite to the receiver. Given that radio waves travel at the speed of light, this time of flight, combined with the known position of the satellite at the transmission time, gives a sphere of possible positions.

For accurate triangulation, intersecting these spheres from multiple satellite signals is key. A single satellite gives a vast sphere of possible positions. With two satellites, the intersection narrows it down to a circle. With three, you get closer, pinpointing your location to two potential points on the Earth’s surface. Usually, one of these points is easily discarded because it represents an impractical location. For example, it might be high up in the atmosphere or below the Earth’s surface.

In a technical sense, the precision of triangulation is fundamentally tied to the quality and accuracy of the received signals and the geometric distribution of the satellites in view. Therefore, having a clear line of sight to multiple satellites and ensuring minimal interference or GPS jamming is crucial for effective triangulation and accurate GPS data processing.

PRN Code - GPS Signals

Why Three Satellite Signals Are Essential

Each satellite signal provides a sphere of possible locations on Earth. With only one or two signals, your exact position remains ambiguous—somewhere at the intersection of these spheres. However, with signals from three satellites, the intersection of these spheres narrows down to just two points. One of these points is typically impractical (like in outer space), leaving the other as your accurate location.

The Fourth Satellite and Improved Accuracy

Now, you might wonder, how accurate is GPS? While three satellites help provide your latitude and longitude, a fourth satellite signal adds depth, allowing for altitude data. This addition eliminates errors associated with clock bias in the receiver’s clock. The more satellites a GPS can connect to, the more precise the location data becomes, thanks to refined receiver calculations.

Moreover, clock-synchronized satellites ensure timely and accurate signal transmission. Control stations on the ground monitor and correct any deviations in satellite positions or clock timings. This ensures the performance standard of the GPS system remains consistently high.

As the future of GPS evolves with more satellites launching and advanced technologies emerging, we can anticipate enhanced tracking capabilities. Consequently, these developments will further refine the accuracy and reliability of GPS navigation.

How GPS Tracking Works

Time-Based Calculations in GPS Technology

Using GPS tracking devices might seem complex. However, the principle relies on simple physics. The core idea hinges on measuring the time a signal takes to travel. If you’ve lost items and used a Bluetooth tracker, the concept is similar, though GPS operates on a larger scale.

Imagine you send a beam of light to a mirror and measure the time it takes to return. Knowing light’s speed, you can calculate the mirror’s distance. GPS tracking systems use a similar approach, but instead of mirrors, they communicate with satellite systems.

Here’s how it works for GPS: When a satellite sends a signal to your GPS device, the device notes the exact moment it receives it. Since the signal travels at the speed of light, by calculating the time taken, the device determines how far away the satellite is. This is crucial for vehicle GPS trackers to provide precise location data.

For fleet tracking, such time-based calculations ensure optimized routing, enhancing operational efficiency. In the world of asset trackers or vehicle tracking, these calculations are indispensable. They help reduce fuel costs and ensure fleet safety by providing real-time data.

In conclusion, whether you’re a fleet manager or just using a personal tracking device, understanding this principle of time and distance underscores the marvel of GPS technology.

Accuracy of GPS Trackers

Understanding the accuracy of GPS trackers is paramount, as it plays a pivotal role in both civilian and military applications. The precision of GPS tracking devices is a crucial factor that distinguishes their usability and effectiveness.

For civilian purposes, such as personal tracking or vehicle GPS trackers, accuracy typically falls within a range of a few meters to tens of meters. This level of precision is sufficient for various everyday applications, including navigating city streets, finding lost items with tracker devices, or ensuring the safety of loved ones.

In contrast, military-grade GPS systems demand a significantly higher level of accuracy. These systems aim for centimeter-level precision or even better. The military relies on GPS for precise positioning of troops, equipment, and guided munitions. Achieving this level of accuracy is crucial for mission success and tactical advantage.

Signal Multipath and Its Effects

Signal Multipath is a phenomenon that significantly impacts the accuracy of GPS trackers, and it’s essential to delve into its technical intricacies. Think of it as an echo, but in the realm of radio waves. When GPS signals are transmitted from satellites to your tracking device, they travel through the Earth’s atmosphere. In an ideal scenario, these signals would reach your device directly and without interference. However, reality introduces complications.

In urban environments or areas with dense obstructions like skyscrapers, hills, or even dense tree canopies, GPS signals can bounce off these objects before reaching your tracker. This bouncing creates multiple pathways, or “multipaths,” for the signal to follow. When these multipath signals arrive at your device, they are delayed compared to the direct signal from the satellite.

This delay in the signal’s arrival time can cause errors in calculating your device’s position. The GPS receiver assumes that the signal it receives travels directly from the satellite to the device. However, due to the multipath effect, the signal took a longer and more complex route. As a result, your GPS tracker may miscalculate its location.

To mitigate the effects of Signal Multipath, GPS receivers employ various techniques. One common approach is to use specialized antennas and signal processing algorithms that can distinguish between the direct signal and the multipath signals. By isolating and filtering out the multipath signals, the GPS receiver can provide a more accurate position.

Enhancing Accuracy With DGPS

Standard GPS technology provides commendable accuracy for civilian and military applications alike. However, there’s a way to further elevate this precision, and it’s known as Differential GPS (DGPS). DGPS is a sophisticated technique that employs additional ground-based reference stations to address and correct any potential errors in GPS data.

Here’s how DGPS works: These reference stations are strategically positioned across a given area, often spaced tens of kilometers apart. They receive the same GPS signals as your tracker device and calculate the precise difference between their known locations and the GPS-derived positions. This differential information is then transmitted to GPS users, including your tracker device, in real-time.

When your tracker device receives these differential corrections, it can adjust its calculations accordingly. This correction accounts for any errors caused by atmospheric conditions, signal multipath, or other factors, significantly enhancing its accuracy. For businesses reliant on fleet tracking, DGPS can result in enhanced operational efficiency, improved fleet safety, and optimized routing, ultimately leading to cost savings and improved services.

In critical applications like medical alerts to ensure the safety of loved ones, this heightened accuracy can be a lifeline. It means that the global navigation satellite systems you depend on are as precise and reliable as possible, ensuring that your GPS tracker device provides accurate information when it’s needed most.

3 Elements of GPS

Frequently Asked Questions

No, GPS trackers rely on signals from satellites, which cannot penetrate water or solid structures effectively. When submerged underwater or located underground, GPS signals become blocked or severely attenuated, making it impossible for the GPS tracker to receive the necessary satellite data for accurate positioning. In these environments, alternative technologies like sonar or inertial navigation systems are typically used. These technologies do not rely on satellite signals and can operate effectively in such challenging conditions.
GPS trackers rely on the synchronized atomic clocks onboard each satellite. Each GPS satellite is equipped with precise atomic clocks that generate timing signals transmitted along with their position data. When a GPS tracker receives signals from multiple satellites, it uses the time information to calculate the distance between itself and each satellite. By precisely measuring signal travel times and leveraging synchronized satellite clocks, GPS trackers accurately determine their position on Earth’s surface. This meticulous time synchronization ensures reliable and highly accurate location calculations for various applications, from navigation to tracking.
The almanac provides approximate orbital data for satellites, aiding in rapid signal acquisition. Ephemeris data offers precise real-time satellite positions, ensuring accuracy. The almanac contains approximate orbital information for GPS satellites, aiding in rapid signal acquisition. It helps GPS trackers predict which satellites to search for based on their expected positions. In contrast, ephemeris data provides precise and real-time information about satellite positions, ensuring accurate location calculations. Together, they enable GPS trackers to quickly acquire signals and determine accurate positions.
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