Free Sample Employee GPS Tracking Policy Template

Published date: Last modified on: Ryan Horban
Free Sample Employee GPS Tracking Policy Template


  • Purpose of GPS Tracking: Enhances productivity, fleet management, customer service, accountability, and job costing.
  • Data Collection: Only work-related data (location, mileage) will be collected. No personal data or private locations.
  • Employee Privacy: No tracking outside work hours; no monitoring of personal activities. Consent required.
  • Benefits: Improved scheduling, reduced costs, better safety, and customer service.
  • Employee Concerns: Addressed by explaining benefits and ensuring transparency.
  • Policy Compliance: Written consent needed, and data used strictly for business purposes. Disciplinary actions for refusal.

Looking to create an employee GPS tracking policy?

Use this sample template in your company to protect yourself from lawsuits and keep your employees happy.

We’re going to cover everything you need to know about creating this policy so you don’t infringe on employee rights. We’re also going to show you what needs to be included in your policy, and answer a few of the most important questions you may have on the topic.

Let’s get to it.

Sample Employee GPS Tracking Policy

Sample Employee GPS Tracking Policy

Am I Allowed to Track My Employees With GPS?

Yes, you can usually track employees with GPS, so long as they have consented to the policy. However, there are many exceptions, and the laws vary from state to state. Federal law is a bit murky when it comes to GPS tracking.

For example, if it’s a company-owned vehicle, you may not need consent to track their location while using the vehicle. However, that could also depend on when you track them and what you do with the data. Always consult with a professional on these matters.

In some states, like California for example, you need to obtain consent from your employees. But in other states, laws may vary. 

Free GPS Tracking Policy Template

Dear employee,

We are excited to announce that we will be implementing GPS tracking for our field teams and company-owned vehicles. This policy is designed to enhance our workforce management, fleet management, job scheduling, and job costing efforts. We understand that introducing GPS tracking may raise some concerns for employees, which is why we want to provide you with the following information.

Benefits Of GPS Tracking Policy

  • Improved Productivity.With GPS tracking, we can monitor employee time and location data to schedule jobs more efficiently, ensure timely arrivals and departures, and reduce delays. This means that you will spend less time traveling and more time serving our clients.
  • Better Fleet Management.By tracking vehicles, we can monitor fuel consumption, track maintenance needs, and optimize routes. This will help us reduce costs and improve our environmental impact.
  • Enhanced Customer Service.By tracking employees and vehicles, we can provide more accurate location data, and communicate expected arrival times to our clients. This ensures a more transparent and efficient customer experience.
  • Greater Accountability.With GPS tracking, we can monitor employee behavior, such as driving habits and adherence to company policies. This means that employees are held accountable for their actions, promoting safe and responsible behavior.
  • More Accurate Job Costing.By tracking job start and end times, we can more accurately allocate time and resources to specific projects, improving job costing accuracy and profitability.

What Will Not Be Collected From GPS Trackers

  • Personal Data.We will not collect personal data such as employee location or data outside of work hours.
  • Employee Behavior.We will not track employees’ personal phone usage, conversations, or other personal activities outside of work hours.
  • Employee Consent.We will not track employees who have not given their explicit consent to be tracked. This is in line with penal code requirements.
  • Dash Camera Footage.We will not install dash camerasto track audio or live video footage. However, if we consider the use of dual dash cams in the future, we may amend this GPS tracking policy .
  • Private Locations.We will not collect location data for any private locations, such as an employee’s home or family member’s location.

We understand that privacy concerns are valid and that our employees’ privacy is important. As such, we will ensure that all tracking is done in a transparent, fair, and legal manner.That means all GPS tracking system data will only be used for business purposes. We will not use it for any other purposes, such as monitoring personal activities or tracking employees outside of work hours.

In addition, we will only collect and store the minimum amount of GPS data necessary for business purposes. We will not collect any data that is not related to your work activities, and we will not share your data with any third parties without your consent, except as required by law.

If you have any questions or concerns about our GPS tracking policy, please feel free to contact our HR department. We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that our GPS tracking policy is implemented in a fair and transparent manner.

Thank you for your cooperation in implementing this policy, and we look forward to working with you to improve our operations and provide better customer service.

-Company Name

Tips for Creating Your GPS Tracking Policy

Only Track During Business Hours

It's smart to limit tracking to business hours only, especially in employee-owned vehicles.

This respects your employees' privacy while still letting you keep an eye on things when it matters most. Make sure everyone knows that tracking is off the clock when they are. This way, your team feels comfortable and trusts that you’re not monitoring their every move, just ensuring things run smoothly during work hours.

Consider Protected Characteristics

Be mindful of protected characteristics like race, religion, and disability. Your tracking practices can’t unfairly target or impact certain groups. 

Treat everyone equally and avoid making decisions based on these characteristics. This creates a fair work environment where all employees feel respected and valued. It’s not just about compliance - it’s about fostering trust and inclusivity within your team.

Protect Employee Data

Make sure you protect your employees' data when using GPS tracking. 

Keep their location information secure by limiting access to only those who need it. Use strong passwords and encryption to prevent unauthorized access. Also, be clear with your team about how their data is being used. When employees know their privacy is respected, they’re more likely to feel comfortable with tracking. 

Be Transparent About The Data You Collect

Don’t be shady. Let your employees know exactly what information you’re gathering and why.

If it’s their location during work hours, and explain why it's necessary. 

Clear communication shows that you're not hiding anything. When your team knows what’s being tracked and why, they’re more likely to be ok with you tracking them and not gossip in the office about hating you. Transparency is key to maintaining a good relationship and ensuring everyone is comfortable with the tracking system.

Explain The Type of GPS Tracking Device and System That You’ll Use

Let your employees know what kind of GPS tracking device you’ll be using (we recommend SpaceHawk!)

Make sure they understand how it works and what it tracks, especially if it’s an app on their phone. 

Give them a clear picture of how the data is collected and used. This openness helps them feel more comfortable with the technology and reassures them that the tracking is strictly for work purposes, not for invading their privacy.

Common Employee Questions On GPS Policy For Tracking Work Vehicles

What Data Will You Collect From GPS Tracking, And How Will It Be Used?

We will only collect location data and mileage tracking data from the GPS tracking devices installed in our company vehicles. This data will be used to track employee location and ensure that company vehicles are being used for authorized purposes. This data will also help us schedule jobs more efficiently, track maintenance needs, and optimize routes.

Will The GPS Vehicle Tracker Be Used To Track Employees Outside Of Work Hours?

No, GPS fleet trackers will only be used during working hours. We understand that personal privacy is important and we will not track employee location data or any other data outside of working hours.

Will Employees Have Access To The GPS Tracking Data?

No, employees will not have access to GPS vehicle tracking data. The data collected will be used solely for business purposes, and only authorized personnel will have access to it.

What Happens If An Employee Refuses To Have GPS Tracking Devices Installed In Their Vehicle?

All company vehicles must have GPS tracking devices installed for operational and safety purposes. Employees who refuse to have GPS tracking devices installed in their vehicles may face disciplinary action. That includes being terminated from employment.

Is Employee Consent Required For GPS Tracking?

Yes, employee consent is required for GPS tracking. We will provide information about our GPS tracking policy and obtain employees’ written consent before installing any GPS tracking devices. We will also ensure that all tracking is done in a transparent, fair, and legal manner in compliance with all tracking laws.

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